English teaching & learning! Tips, reflections & discussions!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 in Review: We are what we know

2012 is gone and here we go to another ride on this roller coaster we call life. 2012 was a very good year for me as a teacher and as a learner. And one of the nicest things I did was to start blogging. An amazing reflexive practice and also a big challenge to always try to bring on some new ideas and find the best way to share them here.

Surely I intended to write a lot more but as you can imagine teaching (among other things) keep me quite busy. Anyway, I have some plans and sooner or later I'll come up with them around here.

And from the deepness of my soul what I wish for all of you in 2013 (besides the traditional wishes for peace, health and love) is creativity and hundreds of learning opportunities, which are everywhere if you don't close your eyes for them.

We are what we know. We know what we learn. We learn what we are.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your nice blog,Jean!Wish I had one like yours (mine is very poor and I'm not as creative).
